ANDERS & GLEICH works from the Queeres Netzwerk NRW e.V. (Queer Network) office in Düsseldorf and organizes and visits events all over NRW.
ANDERS & GLEICH works very closely with many different departments, clubs, and projects for and by LGBTIQ* people in NRW. Examples include SCHLAU NRW, Queere Jugend NRW (Queer Youth), Regenbogenfamilien NRW (Rainbow Families), and Netzwerk für geschlechtliche Vielfalt Trans* NRW (Network for gender diversity trans). You can find an overview of publicly funded groups and projects in NRW here.
ANDERS & GLEICH is a project in Queeren Netzwerk NRW e.V. and sponsored by the Ministerium für Kinder, Jugend, Familie, Gleichstellung, Flucht und Integration (MKJFGFI: ministry of children, youth, family, women’s equality, refugees and integration) of North Rhine-Westphalia.